Cub Papo finally came out of his den where he was protected from predators by his mother, the wolf. Fragile, he is born deaf and blind. He can now play with his brothers and sisters or imitate his mother to learn how to hunt and eat by catching small animals such as rodents. His brown coat looks more and more like that of his father the wolf.
Wild Animals
The gray heron is a species of wading bird in the family Ardeidae. It is the most common heron in Europe. The Gray Heron is characterized by a long neck, a long pointed beak and long legs.
The Papo Spoonbill is a bird whose characteristic is to have a long, flat, black beak in the shape of a spatula or spoon widened at its end. Its beak allows it to stir the mud and filter the water to keep only what it likes. Its body has a white plumage which contrasts with the black color of its beak and its thin long legs.
The okapi Papo is an intriguing herbivore that hides in the mountains and forests of Congo. Discreet and solitary, it is first related to a zebra because of its stripes on its legs. In fact, it is one of the last ancestors of the giraffe with its hind legs shorter than the front ones, its thin muzzle and large small ears with developed hearing. Its species is threatened due to deforestation.
The Swallowtail or Great Swallowtail is a species of butterfly from the Papilionidae family, present in most temperate regions of the northern hemisphere.
The Canada Goose is a species of large bird in the Anatidae family. She is the largest of the barnacles, or black geese. Measuring almost a meter long and with its wingspan between 150 and 180 cm, it is the largest goose in Europe.
Mother tigress avoids danger and frequently moves her young by carrying them in her mouth. Tigers often have several dens and move from one to another as needed. To give birth, the tigress isolates herself out of sight. Babies are born blind and weigh almost a kilo on average. They are very vulnerable but can count on the protection of their mother who will later teach them how to hunt.
The African buffalo is a wild animal, herbivorous, whose size can reach 1.7 m in height and 3.4 m in length and whose horns are often huge
The Papo marigold butterfly, easily recognizable by its orange-yellow wings edged in black, is ready to take flight by spreading its wings to spot clover, alfalfa or a flower and feed. Its flight is fast and it always lands with closed wings to forage. It appreciates hot and flowery sites and does not survive frost or prolonged humidity.
The Papo magpie is a rather large bird and is easily recognizable thanks to its white and black plumage and its characteristic long tail. It has been said to be talkative because of its cry, bold because it approaches dwellings and remains on the ground to feed while being wary ready to fly away at the slightest noise. Thanks to its thick and powerful beak, it searches the ground to find its small prey.
The African fish eagle Papo is also called sea eagle. Its yellow beak with a black tip is hook-shaped, its body and wings are dark, contrasting with the white of the head and tail. Our eagle is ready to take flight and swoop down into the water to catch fish, its favorite meal, with its powerful claws. Thanks to his piercing sight He sees his prey from very high.
The robin is a passerine species. It looks like a small plump bird with relatively short wings reaching painfully to the middle of its tail
The ant is a small wingless social insect, living in colonies in anthills