Loire Valley T-Shirt & Dungarees for Corolle Poupon 30 cm €22.50 There are not enough products in stock
Ruffled dress & Tee-shirt ML Bords de Loire - Mon premier poupon Corolle 30cm €22.50 There are not enough products in stock
Bords de Loire trousers & sailor suit - Mon premier poupon Corolle 30cm €22.50 There are not enough products in stock
Overalls & tee-shirt Bords de Loire - My first Corolle doll 30cm €22.50 There are not enough products in stock
Pink Blouse and Trousers for Ma Corolle Doll 36 cm - Elegance and Comfort €15.90 There are not enough products in stock
Ciré réversible Bords de Loire - Mon premier poupon Corolle 30cm €22.50 There are not enough products in stock
Flowering Garden Bloomers - My First Baby Doll Corolle 30 cm €22.50 There are not enough products in stock